How to get (copy&paste) the thinking face emoji

Using the πŸ€” Thinking Face emoji in your messages is simple. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Use the Copy Button: Click the copy button next to the πŸ€” emoji on our page to instantly copy it to your clipboard.
  2. Copy Manually: Highlight the πŸ€” emoji, right-click, and select β€˜Copy,’ or press Ctrl + C (Windows) or Command + C (Mac).
  3. Paste the Emoji: Place your cursor in your desired text field, right-click, and choose β€˜Paste,’ or press Ctrl + V (Windows) or Command + V (Mac).

Now you’re ready to express curiosity, contemplation, or doubt with the πŸ€” emoji.

πŸ€” Thinking Face Meaning

The πŸ€” Thinking Face emoji features a yellow face with a furrowed brow, wide-open eyes, and a hand on its chin, signaling deep thought or curiosity. It’s often used to express pondering, doubt, or trying to figure something out. The emoji can also convey sarcasm or skepticism, depending on the context, such as β€œAre you serious?” or β€œHmm, that doesn’t sound right.” Its versatility makes it suitable for anything from playful questioning to genuine reflection.

Text examples with πŸ€” Thinking Face

  1. “πŸ€”I wonder if this will work out.”
  2. “What’s the best solution here πŸ€”?”
  3. “I’m still thinking πŸ€” about how to approach this.”
  4. “πŸ€” Should I go for it, or wait for a better opportunity?”
  5. “This doesn’t quite add up πŸ€”, does it?”
  6. “I’m not sure what to think πŸ€” about this situation.”
  7. “πŸ€” Maybe there’s another way to solve this problem.”
  8. “Is this a good idea πŸ€” or not?”
  9. “πŸ€” Let me consider all the options first.”
  10. “Now I’m really curious πŸ€” about what happens next.”
READ ALSO  🫢 Heart Hands Emoji

Combinations with πŸ€” Thinking Face emoji

  1. – Deep in Thought
    • Meaning: Contemplating or daydreaming.
    • Example: “I’ve been thinking about starting something new.”
  2. – Brainstorming
    • Meaning: Actively analyzing or brainstorming ideas.
    • Example: “Let’s put our heads together and solve this.”
  3. – Studying or Researching
    • Meaning: Trying to understand or learn something.
    • Example: “I need to look into this more before deciding.”
  4. – Curious Skepticism
    • Meaning: Doubting or questioning something.
    • Example: “That sounds interesting , but is it true?”
  5. – Eureka Moment
    • Meaning: Thinking that leads to an idea or realization.
    • Example: “Oh, I’ve got it! .”
  6. – Analyzing Data
    • Meaning: Examining details or facts.
    • Example: “The numbers don’t add up .”
  7. – Confused Thinking
    • Meaning: Trying to figure something out but feeling puzzled.
    • Example: “What do they even mean by this? .”
  8. – Thinking About Time
    • Meaning: Wondering about timing or deadlines.
    • Example: “Can I finish this on time ?”
  9. – Creative Thoughts
    • Meaning: Thinking about art or creative projects.
    • Example: “What’s a unique way to approach this? .”
  10. – Philosophical Thinking
    • Meaning: Contemplating big-picture or global issues.
    • Example: “What’s the meaning of all this ?”

Thinking Face Emoji is associated

  • Curiosity
  • Contemplation
  • Doubt
  • Reflection
  • Skepticism
  • Pondering
  • Brainstorming
  • Decision-making

Thinking Face Emoji for Android, Iphone (IOS)


  • Design Style: On Android, the πŸ€” emoji features a yellow face with wide-open eyes, a raised brow, and a hand resting on the chin, perfectly capturing a thoughtful expression.
  • Color: Vibrant yellow tones with smooth shading and a clear hand detail.

iPhone (iOS):

  • Design Style: The πŸ€” emoji on iOS has a rounded yellow face with a furrowed brow and a hand on the chin, expressing curiosity or doubt with subtle gradients.
  • Color: Bright yellow with polished highlights and natural shading for a refined appearance.

πŸ€” emoji images

Thinking Face
Google Noto Color Emoji 15.0
Thinking Face
Google Noto Emoji 15.0
Thinking Face
OpenMoji OpenMoji 14.0
Thinking Face
Twitter Twemoji 14.0
Thinking Face
Google Animated Emoji

πŸ€” emoji Support

Apple iOS 16.4, iOS 10.2, iOS 10.0, iOS 9.1
Google Noto Color Emoji 15.0, Android 11.0, Android 8.0, Android 7.0, Android 6.0.1, Gmail
Samsung One UI 5.0, One UI 1.0, Experience 9.1, Experience 9.0, TouchWiz 7.1, TouchWiz 7.0, Touchwiz 6.0
Microsoft Windows 11 22H2, Windows 11 November 2021 Update, Windows 10 Anniversary Update
WhatsApp, 2.19.7, 2.17
Twitter / X Twemoji 15.0, Twemoji 2.4, Twemoji 2.0
Facebook 15.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0
Telegram Telemoji (March 2023)
Noto Color Emoji, Animated 15.0
Microsoft Teams 15.0
Skype Emoticons 1.2, Emoticons 1.0
Twitter Emoji Stickers 13.1
JoyPixels 7.0, 6.6, 6.0, 5.5, 5.0, 4.0, 3.1, 3.0, 2.2, 2.0
Toss Face (ν† μŠ€νŽ˜μ΄μŠ€) 1.5, February 2022
JoyPixels Animations 3.5
Sony Playstation 13.1
Noto Emoji Font 15.0
OpenMoji 14.0, 13.0, 12.2, 1.0
emojidex 1.0.34, 1.0.33, 1.0.14
LG Velvet, G5
HTC Sense 8

πŸ€” emoji History


Android 4.3 Jelly Bean
Android 4.4 KitKat
Android 5.1 Lollipop
Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow
Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow
Android 7.1.1 Nougat
Android 7.1.1 Nougat
Android 8.0 Oreo
Android 8.0 Oreo
Android 9.0 Pie
Android 9.0 Pie
Android 10.0
Android 10.0
Android 11.0
Android 11.0
Android 12L
Android 12L
Noto Color Emoji 15.0
Noto Color Emoji 15.0
Noto Emoji 15.0
Noto Emoji 15.0


FxEmojis 1.7.9


OpenMoji 13.1
OpenMoji 13.1
OpenMoji 14.0
OpenMoji 14.0


Twemoji 2.3
Twemoji 2.3
Twemoji 12.1.5
Twemoji 12.1.5
Twemoji 13.1
Twemoji 13.1
Twemoji 14.0
Twemoji 14.0

πŸ€” emoji Unicode Data

Unicode Code Point(s) πŸ€”: U+1F914
Unicode Version Unicode 8.0
Emoji Version Emoji 1.0

πŸ€” emoji HTML, CSS and other codes

Shortcode (Discord) :thinking:
Shortcode (GitHub) :thinking:
Shortcode (Slack) :thinking_face:
HTML Dec 🤔
HTML Hex 🤔
CSS οΏ½1F914
C, C++ & Python U0001f914
Java, JavaScript & JSON uD83EuDD14
Perl x{1F914}
PHP & Ruby u{1F914}
Punycode xn--wp9h
URL Escape Code %F0%9F%A4%94

πŸ€” emoji statistics